Blog 67! Why the question WHY can suck!

Hiya friends !!! I am back! Took a writing hiatus :) But it was time for a little creative writing again! So thanks for clicking!

So this morning, I was talking to my dad, and as many of you may be aware my mom passed from this plane on Feb 1st this year after many years suffering. And he was saying how he is having a harder time lately and keep asking “why” - “why” did this has to happen? “Why” couldn’t we help her? “Why” did some of the terrible stuff seem to unfold the way it did?

And respectfully I said “Dad, you and I both know that question sucks.” Why ….never gets answered or at least we seem to never know the answer for-sure and we keep asking…why. So instead I said, “The question that has helped me is: “What have I learned?” and that question …and the answers —-are easier to find and really know.

For me, …I have learned to be more compassionate, I have learned we don’t control other people. I have learned that death teaches us a lot. I have learned death also feels a lot like birth. and on and on….

If we can flip the WHY…into WHAT HAVE I LEARNED….we don’t feel so stuck…and that is a huge thing!

XO! have a great week



Blog 66: Details!!! on something fun and transformative...check it out!