Blog 48: What in the world....

is still good???

Everything that was before 2020.

With that times we are in….we have to remember to keep grounded and look for the good.

There has been so much uncertainty. Fear. Unknown. It is more challenging than ever to keep focus on what’s good in the world. However, these times have brought MANY things into perspective.

So what is still good? Anything that was good before. The contrast in some of what we are experiencing and seeing also can help illuminate the good! Here are some strategies for expanding more of the focus on the good.

  1. Acceptance. Here we are humans. Be where your feet are. Sad? Thats okay. Scared? That’s ok. Having a great day? Thats okay too! It is great to feel content or happy or hopeful and still celebrate things in your life! Those “feel good” emotions we want to expand.

  2. Tune into what is still great in your life and what deserves your focus. Shut the tube off. Leave your phone on the counter. Perhaps in airplane mode. How many of us want to be less attached to the media but don’t take the next step —- Challenge yourself to do that. I’m working on it too.

  3. Look at your new perspectives. What matters most to you? I bet it’s different than what you were focused on in 2019. What blessings in focus has this brought you? For me, I realize there was trivial things I let bother me more than I should.

  4. Gratitude for anything. Lights, food, summer weather, families, change, possibilities etc.

  5. What are your dreams? What are you hopes? These matter! Our energy. Our power. Our ability to see through all that is happening to something better. This creates more of the “field” or the consciousness around us. Energy matters! Each of us MATTERS to the field. We have lost the battle when we think our thoughts, our opinions, who we BE doesn’t make a difference.

When you are in state that feels challenging. Breathe. It’s okay that you are experiencing that.

This questions matters next. What do I want to experience in my life right now instead if I could choose? (You can choose). Let’s say it’s “peace”…… Okay, what can I do right now that would bring me some more peace?

Nap. Breathe Deep. Go for a walk. Stretch. Watch something different. Read a book that gets my mind off of where it is currently. Talk to someone who helps me. SO many options. What we need to REMEMBER is this is where the POWER is. When we don’t master ourselves; we allow our power and energy to be syphoned off to other avenues; most unconsciously.

So remember what’s important - what’s good - what you want to see in the world. Check into that. Your dreams are still your dreams; place the vast amounts of your energy into what you would like for your life and for the world you live in ….and by nature of our energy - something beautiful will change.

So what is good in the world???? It’s up to you to find it and focus on it!


Blog 49: Negative states - 24 hours & 6 points off my license.


Blog 47. Foundations....shaking. Fear aside....