Blog 54: A Poor Choice and Blood in my Mouth.

Real life experience is probably thee best teacher. Here is one of mine.

I was 22. It was a day before my birthday. I was back home from my first year in grad school. I had a MD appt that afternoon. I remember my mom asking me if I would get the HPV shot (which was super brand new at that point). I said I didn’t think I would.

She pressed me.

I got to the MD office. Also pressured. So I caved in and said yes. I would get it. Nurse (who I had known much of my life) got the jab ready. Stuck it. Next thing i knew…

I woke up and felt blood in my mouth. I slid my tongue around my teeth feeling each one and making sure they were still there. Where was I? The side of my face hurt and I also could feel blood trickle on my face. I looked at the commercial carpet that my face was on. I had blacked out and fallen off the examining table and onto my face from 3 feet up.

Needless to say, I never got the follow up series of shots. It was clear to me that my body was not going to tolerate them and I should listen as well as do more homework on the subject. I’d love to say that was the last time I went against my own inner knowing when making decisions for my body and life but its not.

However I have gotten better at following my own best doctor within. It starts with listening to your internal compass. What feels right to you? What doesn’t? It’s okay to not know how to explain it to someone else. Especially when it comes to your own health and health choices or your children; trust that inner knowing. Then…take the time to do your own research into options.

Medical freedom is so important for so many reasons. One size will never fit all.


Blog 55. Natural Law and Being Human.


Blog 53: Subtle Superpowers. You have them too!