Blog 53: Subtle Superpowers. You have them too!

We probably have many more super powers than I am aware of. So I will start off with saying that.

For me, I was unaware of what I am about to talk about for the first 2/3rds of my life. Now I use these gifts everyday and it definitely keeps life more magical and engaging.

I am talking about your subtle senses or intuition or “claires.” By now, you must realize what we call something is just semantics and word choice to try to convey a concept to others. Words are helpful (and for me, fun to write) but they also can be limiting. How do I know what your preconceived thoughts are when I say a certain word? But I digress. (I just needed to point this out).

We have senses that are deeper than just our classical senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing, feeling etc.

They are called subtle senses. I’ll give you an example. When I run or first thing in the am; I will get thoughts that drop in that are energizing or exciting or I know I should pay attention to. These thoughts have lead to much of my career successes and life improvements as I have started to follow and act from them.

Sometimes during the day when I am working with people an idea will pop into my head that relates to something I should say or communicate within that conversation. I have small urges (and sometimes bigger) of “knowing.” Ideas will come in or flow to me, a sense that this is the right direction to follow will come into my mind. This is called claircognizance or “clear knowing” My friend and mentor, Lisa, has continually underlined these gifts in my life and to pay attention to them.

For some of you, you may not notice clear thoughts, but the way your body feels is your true north. Your emotions and guttural senses tell you much. These are real indicators. Pay attention. You may also hear things (I notice this many times where a message comes to me in multiples.) Maybe I overhear someone’s convo, then catch something on a video, and maybe even its mentioned directly to me. When I start to hear things more than once I know to pay attention.

So why am I writing my blog on this. We are in the end of the year, paying attention within and without especially this year as we navigate our lives is important. Remember to tune in. What messages are you receiving? Are you listening to all your senses? Do you brush these off? Why? They are meant for you.

Do your life a favor and begin to recognize the power your subtle senses hold. My life has become vastly better as I have become much more mindful of power my energy carries and messages that I receive as well as transmit.

Also as you start to get curious, and ARE open to looking at the small intricacies of how your day unfolds you will start to see magic. Don’t worry if its does'n’t hit you over the head. It’s in the small nudges. The tiny things create the BIG shifts!


Blog 54: A Poor Choice and Blood in my Mouth.


Blog 52: 1 day away....the election and power.