Blog 57. Left Brain and Right Brain

2020 was such a crazy exercise in left brain and right brain for most of us. Left brain is more analytical- know the process and steps and how it fits together. Right brain is more creative, more expansive.

If you are like me, you have loved setting goals and going to work on the goals you set. You love envisioning your future and trying to manifest this vision. It seems like as the years go by your vision gets bigger and the next steps become clear. (And side note: if you didn’t have the goal it may feel like you don’t have a map).

With the craziness in the past year, I don’t think any of us “planned” this sort of crazy in our manifesting. There were some definite curve balls. Major ones and small day to day changes.

So what gifts were offered in the chaos? One take away I have as it comes to envisioning and goal setting is: How to re-navigate. Let go of the left brain “plan” and move into allowing. To get comfortable in the unkown and still have vision and possibility without white knuckling the “goal.”

It is so true that if we are too focused on future goals we can miss the LIFE in the day to day. It’s almost if our linear left brain can keep us smaller. We miss the blessing we are currently living because we keep pushing to the next thing.

The greatest blessings I picked up from the curve ball in 2020 was to be more grateful than ever for my present moments. The small things that are really not small. Allowing a little less focus on what the “goal” is and little more present with what LIFE Is unfolding for me.

I still LOVE LOVE LOVE putting goals and intentions out there. My left brain still really craves to KNOW (about everything so it can put it in a sequence.)

But isn’t it true that no matter what, we send intentions out and we don’t know how it will unfold honestly.

It doens’t mean to not put the intentions out and send your energy and action in the direction you want. It just shows us again to stay playful and open because GOD/Universe will let it unfold through you. We are in a time where many things in our WORLD feel like they are changing greatly. Stay playful that the world can be better than ever! Our visions and intentions are part of that manifestation. Loosen our grip of how they come and enjoy the moment! I will be doing that with you!


Blog 58. Messaging about our bodies


Blog 56. 21 questions to bring into 2021