Blog 58. Messaging about our bodies

I had an experience this summer. I was 9 months pregnant floating in the lake, watching Jack swim. A neighbour friend swam over and was talking about kids. Something she said was inquisitive about Jack (my 5 year old) and his health. I ended up telling her that he has never been on a medication. She looked at me puzzled.

“Like none"?”, she asked? She seemed baffled.

I affirmed, that he has not. She couldn’t believe it.

Now don’t get me wrong, I feel very blessed. I am so grateful for my health and my boys health. With that said, the way we live is very intentional.

Has Jack had fevers—yes! Has he had days he doesn’t seem like himself? Yes. Has he had diarrhoea. Yep. But I know it’s his bodies way of fighting off something. We use things like epsom salt baths, lots of water, chiropractic care, essential oils (minimally), snuggles and LOVE. We move our bodies and get outside. We speak life (for the most part). It is very intentional that we are creating health and creating energy around health.

These are all our first lines of defense. This is what I go to and rely on to help support our immune systems and know that the body is capable of healing and adapting.

I know I don’t control everything. We have been very fortunate. However we do live differently. If you are like me, where you would like to cultivate a more natural mindset and game plan around your health I would start first with messaging.

The messages I choose to tell my kids about health in general and their bodies is a big deal. One of the first things I told Jack about his body was that it was capable. He would fall or have a little scrap and I would say, “That’s okay, your body will heal it.” I would help him build trust and messaging that he can trust his own body.

To me this is very true. Your body is beating your heart and breathing with your lungs with no conscious thought as well as a million other things. It truly is a miracle every second of life that it expresses so let’s make sure we honour that. I wanted him to know that as a baseline for his understanding of his body.

So as you consider making healthy choices for your family this year, make messaging one of the things you consider being even more mindful of. As you know, kids pick up everything around them. What messages do you tell them about their bodies and their being? What messages do you repeat about your own health (that they hear).

I call this, speaking more life. Speak what you want to have happen - speak over your body and life and their bodies and life powerfully…. it really does make a difference! When you are complaining, talking about issues, or being dramatic or talking about others can you catch yourself sooner and change the script. Can you flip negatives to at least neutral.

I did a Facebook live yesterday about some pain in my shoulder. One thing I emphasised is, can we look at pain in our bodies or symptoms in our bodies from a point of curiosity? What is my body trying to tell me? That question and perspective shift can be hugely helpful in your healing.

This way of living (being more in tune with your body) isn’t radical its just a little different than what is “common” right now. It starts with being intentional about how perceive the wisdom of your body and the choices you will make to work with your system. As with anything decisions made from a vantage point that isn’t based in fear is helpful.


Blog 59: Am I really radical? Or has the world lost touch?


Blog 57. Left Brain and Right Brain