Blog 59: Am I really radical? Or has the world lost touch?

It does sometimes feel that it is almost radical to be healthy or not fear your body in these times we are living.

Let that sink in. Why are we so afraid of our own skin? Our own systems?

I assure you I believe fully we were meant to be healthy. We were meant to trust our bodies. We were meant to live in harmony with nature and the natural rhythms of our bodies.

When we are sick or have “dis-ease” it is not common to ask ourselves why?

What is my body telling me about my whole life right now?

That one question can open up uncharted levels of healing and fulfillment in your life. But only you can ask it and only you can answer it. And its is going to require you to be BRAVE to look within and be HONEST.

I have needed a lot of help with that at times.

A great place to start is the book, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. This book has many gems about the inter-relationship between our physical bodies and our thoughts and emotions.

In practice it is common for us to see someone have an acute issue (lower back goes out, disc herniation etc) and then also find out simultaneously something else is happening like they lost their job, some amazing amount of stress in their life etc. It’s clear that their body is trying to process this new event and is also clueing the person into how well they may or may not be adapting. It’s almost like our energy shows us a message of where we are short circuiting. There are gifts within these symptoms.

When we can get curious about these symptoms or their meanings to our lives, we can start to see where our thinking and emotions may be awry or where our patterns in our life are not really healthy.

Your answers and patterns will be unique to you. YOU are the only one who lives in your body and lives in your life, there for you REALLY are your best doctor. You GET TO HEAL YOU. I get to heal ME!

Then the choice to change. When we don’t make a new decision or shift our energy what generally happens? We repeat the pattern. That is grace, we get a second opportunity. Trouble is, most of us would rather learn the first times and not continue through the same school of hard knocks.

Remember, this is part of the human condition. We are here to learn and grow. When we feel these areas of challenge or symptoms, getting curious about what this feeling, struggle, pain, grief is offering us can help us move through or neutralize the energy.


Blog 60: Who's on your OH SHIT team


Blog 58. Messaging about our bodies