Blog 64: Stories

Stories are powerful. Whenever we speak a story we are putting energy into that story. A mentor of mine, was who underlined the emphasis of the energy a story carries.

She also pointed out that each person has a different version of a story even if the story is about the same incidence or experiences.

A few things to think about….

  1. Which stories do you tell over and over about you? Your characteristics? Your strengths or weaknesses? Limitations? Is it possible you could change the story? Is it possible this would change the ending of your future story?

  2. Which stories do you tell over and over about your past? Is it possible that if those “stories” hadn’t happened, you would be different? We can’t change the past, but we can change how we tell the story. We can also tell the story with an emphasis on what the experience taught us.

  3. What stories do you tell yourself about your future? Of course we know that the future has not occurred yet in our linear reality, however the vision, words, and ideas of how the story will go certainly co create our future and the energy we carry. It is powerful to change the story of how you forecast the future.

    Stories help us connect with others. Since my book just launched a little over a week ago, (link here) I have had various people reach out and tell me more about their life. Their fears, their own struggles. Stories help us connect and really know each other. It’s beautiful.

    Stories, however, as we re-tell them activate energy. SO we must be mindful of what energy we want to activate. Whatever we “Say” will be true in the energy we carry.

    I will give you an example. When a child chooses to say, “I am dumb.” That is a story they have picked up. However, it may not be true but if they believe the story …it is true. By speaking it, it activates the energy.

    We can use this in the opposite way. Let’s say you want to get better with money. Instead of saying the story, “I spend too much money.” The new story, that can still feel honest, can be, “I am working on my relationship with money and getting better at how I choose to use it.” Totally different energy in those two “stories.

    So…what you forecast (story) for this today? This week? This month? This year? This decade? Can you tell a more empowered story? Use your words wisely!


Blog 65. Take life LITERALLY.


Blog 63. 37 Revolutions! and why my birthdays are no longer cursed