Blog 63. 37 Revolutions! and why my birthdays are no longer cursed

Well…yesterday marked 37 revolutions around the sun for me! It was a wonderful birthday with lots of nice messages and thoughtful comments and gifts from friends and family. I got to spend time with all my boys. Truly a wonderful day.

I used to think there was a period in my life where my birthday felt cursed. I didn’t just think that. I had a year I was pulled over and got a speeding ticket. I had a year that I had a reaction to a vaccine and ending up with a bloody face and a seizure. I had a year I lost my purse, my keys, everything. I am sure there were more. Thats what I can think of right now. There was about a 10 year period where I always felt a little nervous about my birthday approaching and what was going to happen.

So when did this stop? When I stopped telling myself (and others) my birthday was cursed. (and also actively engaged in making better choices for my health and my being). When I remembered that I hold the ability to change my energy and create my days. So in the last decade. I now know that I can choose to voice, energize, and allow my energy to be in alignment with things I DO want (not what I don’t).

When we fear something, we put that energy of fear into it. It increases that energy.

When we can neutralize that emotion - this makes big shifts in our life. Most of us have some big fears. I know I do at times. I tell you the story of my ‘fear’ of my birthday to give an example. We can work to neutralize our fears. Especially where we can control our thinking.

I will be working on this in my own life, I hope you do too!


Blog 64: Stories


Blog 62: Sacred Time.